Department of Personnel and Organization

Divisions under the Department of Organization and Personnel include:
           1. Division of organization, staffing and salary;
           2. Division of Human resources;
           3. Division of Training.
Each Division has a Head, Deputy Heads of Division assisting to the Head.
The Heads of Divisions are responsible before the law and the Director General of the Department for all work of the Department; Deputy heads of Divisions are responsible before the law and before the Head of Division for their assigned tasks. The appointment, reappointment, resignation, and dismissal of division-level leaders are carried out in accordance with the regulations on appointment of officers of the Central Organizing Committee and according to the regulations on decentralization of personnel management of SAV.
Professional civil servants perform tasks as assigned by division leaders and are responsible before the law, division leaders and department leaders for assigned tasks.
The functions and tasks of each division and the number of divisions under the Department in each period are decided by the Auditor General at the request of the Director General of the Department of Organization and Personnel.