The State Audit Office of Viet Nam attends the 5th meeting of the Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals and Key Sustainable Development Indicators of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions

( – From April 20-22, a delegation of the State Audit Office of Viet Nam (SAV) attended the 5th meeting of the Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals and Key Sustainable Development Indicators of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI) held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia at the invitation of the Accounts Chamber of Russian Federation, INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI Chair and the President of the General Court of Audit of Saudi Arabia.

It is the first in-person meeting of the Working Group since the COVID-19. The discussion delved into knowledge and experience of the member Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in respect of SDGs and KSDIs in each respective country.

The Working Group of the Key National Indicator (INTOSAI WGKNI) found in 2007 and known as the predecessor to the INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI was restructured and officially named as the latter in 2019.

The objective of the INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI is providing support for conjoint efforts of INTOSAI community to contribute to the national goals and the SDGs implementation through promoting the development and use of the appropriate KSDIs and improving the strategic approaches in SAIs’ activities.


Since its establishment, INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI has organized 05 annual meetings, published 07 newsletters, completed 01 project to update GUID 5202 on SAIs’ role in promoting sustainable development. INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI is currently comprised of 37 members and 7 observers.

Inaugurating the meeting, Mr. Dmitry Zaitsev, Board Member of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI Chair stated that SAIs take important role in auditing SDGs, especially KSDI-focused in each country. The 5th Meeting therefore attracted much interest of the Working Group of the Sustainable Development Goals of the Asian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI WGSDG), that of the Arabian Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI WGSDG), that of English speaking African Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E WGSDG). Mr. Chair highly valued the responsible engagement of the member SAIs and expressed desire to continue receiving their future enormous contributions to the Working Group.

At the meeting, participants shared their experience in auditing SDGs and KSDI, discussed development orientation and initiatives related to SDGs, sub-projects for the next period as well as its Strategic Plan for the period of 2024-2025. Many shared experience and good practices have been commended by the participants and became their precious reference source. Mr. Le Hoai Nam, Head of the SAV Delegation, made a presentation on the SAV’s new membership into the Working Group, and practical experience of SAV in collaborating with the Government to conduct SDGs audits.


According to Mr. Le Hoai Nam, SAV proves itself a member of responsibility, actively participating in activities of INTOSAI in general and of INTOSAI WGSDG KSDI in particular. “Driven by a deep conviction in the importance of promoting sustainable development in both the National Agenda and the international community, SAV seeks to leverage the expertise and collaborative opportunities offered by this esteemed Working Group” – highlighted Mr. Le Hoai Nam.