The State Audit Office of Viet Nam to pay special interest in application of big data in auditing practices

On September 13, the delegation from the State Audit of Viet Nam (SAV) led by Deputy Auditor-General Bui Quoc Dzung attended the 7th meeting of the Big Data Working Group of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI WGBD), held in the capital city of Cairo (Egypt).

SAV's Delegation included of leaders of the specialized Audit Department No. VII, the Regional Audit Office No. III, the Regional Audit Office No. XI, Information Technology Center and International Cooperation Department.

INTOSAI WGBD comprising 40 members and 5 observers (SAV is an observer). This 7th meeting, centered on theme of "Application of big data in auditing activities", welcomed representatives from 26 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). The gathering served to both summarize the Group's accomplishments and introduce good practices, fostering effective learning and valuable experience exchange among SAIs.

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, esteemed representative from the host country, Chairman of the Egyptian Accountability State Authority (Egyptian Supreme Audit Institution) - Hesham Badawy and Chairman of INTOSAI WGBD, Deputy Auditor-General of China - Mr. Wang Banqiang highlighted that big data is increasingly influencing the economic, political and social activities of countries around the world. The development and application of information technology and advanced technology will actively benefit the management of public finances and public assets of each Government, as well as effectively support audit activities through enhancing transparency and accountability of SAV. The reality shows that audit activities require breakthrough changes in the way audit decisions are made, audit processes, etc. At the same time, SAIs need to maintain the mutual linkage and coordination to maximize collective success in this domain.
During the meeting, the Working Group Secretary presented a r comprehensive eport outlining the achievements and milestones of the Group. With 40 members and 5 observers representing 45 SAIs worldwide, NTOSAI WGBD has made significant strides in developing and publishing guidelines and research in the field of big data auditing. The report emphasized the need for SAIs needed to to clearly define goals, methods, and implementation programs in exploiting and utilizing big data in auditing, contributing to reducing barriers to data collection and facilitating data sharing. Moreover, the report urged members to prioritize the development of facilities, data sources, and developing hardware and software, with special focus on leveraging data sources and enhancing data accessibility.
Deputy Auditor-General Bui Quoc Dzung met with leaders of INTOSAI WGBD's member SAIs

On the same day, members of INTOSAI WGBD attended a thematic symposium on big data applications in audit activities. Experts from Ain Shame University (Egypt) delivered a keynote presentation on "Application of big data in auditing activities". This was followed by eight insightful presentations from SAIs of Egypt, Austria, Brazil, Chile, China, Denmark and Indonesia. 

The presentations centered on the theme of big data and the application of big data in audit activities that were couched in the concept, significance of big data, and national data strategies, tools, essential auditing tools, specific skills required big data and valuable lessons and best practices.
The representative of SAV Delegation posted a number of questions on big data audit tools for the Egyptian Accountability State Authority and received responses with detailed explanations and valuable insights into the current audit landscape in Egypt.

As per schedule, SAV would deliver a presentation titled Application of data and data analysis in audit activities in State Audit Office of Viet Nam - Challenges and Difficulties alongside six presentations from other members at the meeting on September 14, 2023./.