CAAF commenced the training course "Successful Audit Management”

( - On December 4, in Hanoi, the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV) and the Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation (CAAF) officially launched the collaborative program for the 2018-2025 period. During the inaugural event, CAAF commenced the training course titled "Successful Audit Management," designed for 23 auditors from various units under the State Audit Office of Vietnam.

The training course is led by Ms. Laurie Rose, a Collaborating Auditor with the CAAF, and Ms. Stacey Wowchuk, the Chief Auditor of the Manitoba Office of the Auditor General in Canada.

During the training course, participants are guided through discussions on various topics, including Successful Audit Management; Relationships and the Audit Process; Strategic Thinking; Planning and Scoping Audit Activities; and Ensuring Audit Quality.

Upon completion of the training course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively collaborate in a team, enabling them to successfully conduct high-level audit activities.

Students participate in the training course exchanges with the instructor

On December 4th, participants will focus on exchanging ideas and engaging in discussions related to Successful Audit Management, Relationships, and the Audit Process.

Ms. Laurie Rose stated that these two modules are designed to provide participants with a general understanding of the key elements essential for a successful audit. They aim to delineate the roles of team members in executing a successful audit and underscore the leadership role in overseeing an audit operation.

Through interactive discussions, participants also gain insights into the significance and impact of relationships within the audit process. They identify key relationships crucial for managing audit activities, enabling them to map and self-assess the primary relationships pertinent to their ongoing audit engagements.

The training program spans five days, scheduled from December 4th to December 8th, 2023.