Pride in the tradition of the State Audit Office of Viet Nam, inspiring motivation for the future generation

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( - In his speech at the 30th anniversary ceremony of the State Audit Office of Viet Nam (SAV) (July 11, 1994 - July 11, 2024) and the receipt of the First-Class Labor Medal, held on the morning of July 11 at the National Convention Center in Hanoi, Mr. Ngo Van Tuan, Central Party Executive Committee Member and Auditor-General emphasized that this is an opportunity for the SAV to reflect on its journey, take pride in the SAV’s traditions, and create more motivation for the future development.

According to Auditor-General Ngo Van Tuan, today (July 11), the SAV sole*mnly celebrated its 30th anniversary and received the prestigious award bestowed by the Party and State, amidst a joyful and enthusiastic atmosphere as the country gears up for achievements in anticipation of the 14th National Congress of the Party.

This occasion also serves as a moment for the SAV to review its past journey, take pride in the SAV traditions, and gain motivation for the upcoming development phase. It is also a time for the SAV to express gratitude for the attention, leadership, and direction of the Party and State leaders towards the public sector auditing, and to acknowledge the contributions of the SAV past and present staff to its growth and development. Moreover, the entire organisation has recognized this as a significant political event to uphold its glorious 30-year tradition, continuously strive, train, and work hard to excellently fulfill all tasks assigned by the Party, State, and people in the future.

On behalf of the SAV Party Committee, the SAV leadership, and all generations of staff, Tuan extended his deepest gratitude to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, former General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, the President, the Prime Minister, the Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat, and the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front for their congratulatory letters and flowers, praises, and encouragement. He also expressed sincere thanks to the warm feelings, concern, leadership, and special direction of National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, who took the time to attend and deliver a speech at the ceremony.

“Globally, SAIs have a long history of establishment and development. In our country, however, it was only with the implementation of the renovation process, transitioning from a centrally planned economy to a socialist-oriented market economy, that auditing became an indispensable requirement to improve national financial resource management, prevent corruption, waste, and negative issues,” said Auditor-General Ngo Van Tuan.

From an institution with no precedent in organization and activities in Viet Nam, over the past 30 years of establishment and development, with the motto “Professionalism - Integrity - Integration,” the SAV has kept innovating and making its activities more indepth over the years. The SAV has consistently aligned with the Party’s major orientations, state policies and laws, focusing on audit issues of public concern, areas prone to loss, waste, and mismanagement of public finances and assets; contributing to tightening discipline, enhancing accountability, and ensuring transparency in the management and use of public finance and assets.

The SAV effectively supports the National Assembly and Government in legislative, supervisory, management, and decision-making functions on important national issues. Its work serves as a crucial basis for the People's Councils and People's Committees at all levels in managing, operating, supervising, and deciding on important local matters; and makes significant contributions to the process of institutional improvement in the national development course. The SAV has gradually established its position and role as an effective tool for the Party and State in monitoring and controlling public finance and asset management, as well as combating corruption, waste, and negative issues.

Since its establishment, the SAV has identified and recommended financial settlement amounting to over VND 740 trillion. It has also recommended amendments, additions, replacements, or annulment of more than 2,200 legal and regulatory documents that were inconsistent with state regulations and practical needs, timely addressing loopholes in mechanisms and policies to prevent loss and waste.

Specifically, the SAV has proposed valuable suggestions for improving important legal documents such as the Law on State Budget, Land Law, Tax Administration Law, Public Investment Law, Bidding Law, Anti-Corruption Law, and Social Insurance Law. The SAV has also recommended referring cases to investigative agencies and competent authorities to address responsibilities of many organizations and individuals in accordance with legal regulations.

All SAV staff, past and present, are immensely proud of the positive values derived from the SAV’s activities over the years, contributing to the country’s significant achievements, especially in enhancing the efficiency of public financial and asset management.

Over the past 30 years, generations of leaders, staff of the SAV have consistently upheld their political qualities, responsibility, professional competence, collective intelligence, and innovation, successfully completing all tasks entrusted by the Party, State, and people.

The SAV acknowledges that its significant achievements over the past 30 years have been supported by the Party, State, effective coordination with central and local ministries and agencies, international organizations, and the efforts and contributions of all leaders, staff, and workers throughout the years. On this 30th anniversary, the SAV extends its heartfelt gratitude and best wishes to all of them.

The Document of the 13th Congress of the Party outlined a development orientation for the period 2021-2030, which is building and promoting a clean, strong, streamlined, effective and effecicent socialist rule of law State that serves the people and the country's development. It emphasizes increasing transparency, accountability, and controlling power while tightening discipline in the State activities and among officials. It also aims to further combat corruption, waste, bureaucracy, crime, and social evils. The SAV’s development strategy up to 2030 identifies the goal of being a key, effective tool for the Party and State in monitoring, controlling, enhancing accountability, and ensuring transparency in public finance and asset management.

Facing the tasks and trust placed upon it by the Party, State, and people in the new phase, amidst global trends in the SAIs in the world influenced by major issues such as international integration, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and emerging challenges (pandemics, climate change, non-traditional security threats), the SAV will keep up with and develop its valuable 30-year tradition. Each member of the SAV will strive to maintain political stability, ethical professionalism, specialized expertise, and international standards, with the four criteria of: Integrity – Deliberation - Diligence - Sensitivity. The SAV will continue to uphold its core values of “Independence - Integrity - Professionalism - Reputation - Quality” and strive to build the SAV into a professional, modern, reputable, and responsible financial audit institution that meets the trust of the Party, State, and people.

With these meanings, the SAV will remain steadfast in its action motto of “Quality and Ethics in Public Service” aiming for the goal of “Quality, higher quality, and upper higher quality” ensuring its responsibility for “a transparent, sustainable national finance.” In the longer-term future, the SAV’s development vision must be closely aligned with new requirements from the Party and State, aiming to help Viet Nam become a developed, high-income country by 2045. The SAV aspires and expects to make breakthrough developments to become “the supreme audit institution for managing and using public finances and assets, a key and effective tool for the Party and State in combating corruption, waste, and negative issues, and controlling power; enhancing accountability and ensuring transparency in public finance and assets management, effectively supporting the National Assembly and Government in legislative, supervisory, management, and decision-making functions on important national issues.”

“We, the next generations of the SAV, will continue to uphold and preserve this glorious tradition, worthy of the trust and affection of the Party, State, and people, and resolutely act to contribute to realizing the aspiration of building our country to be more dignified, beautiful, and on par with the great powers of the world as President Ho Chi Minh always wished,” said Auditor-General Ngo Van Tuan.

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