National Assembly Chairman: Strengthening the position and prestige of the State Audit Office of Viet Nam within Vietnamese state agencies and international audit communit

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( - Speaking at the 30th Anniversary Ceremony of the State Audit Office of Viet Nam (SAV) on the morning of July 11, Politburo Member and National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man commended, recognized, and highly valued the achievements of SAV over its 30 years of development. The National Assembly Chairman expressed confidence that, with renewed determination, effort, and motivation, SAV will achieve even greater successes, contributing to a transparent and sustainable national financial system and living up to its role, position, and prestige both domestically and internationally.

On behalf of the Party and State leadership, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man emphasized that the country’s reform process over nearly 40 years has achieved significant historical milestones, bringing about profound, positive changes and contributing to the country's unprecedented economic and international standing nowadays.

According to the National Assembly Chairman, these results are due in part to the positive contributions of SAV.

Expressing satisfaction with SAV’s 30-year development journey, Man highlighted that from its early days with only 5 units, 60 staff and auditors, SAO has grown significantly to 32 units with over 2,000 staff and auditors; with 100% of state auditors holding at least a bachelor’s degree and over 55% having master’s or doctoral degrees, trained both domestically and internationally.

“This is clear evidence of the remarkable growth in both quantity and quality of SAV’s auditing team; affirming that SAV has increasingly matured and developed, contributing to a transparent and sustainable national financial system and effectively supporting the country's industrialization, modernization, and international integration efforts,” emphasized National Assembly Chair Tran Thanh Man.

He also praised SAV’s contributions through audit activities, noting that it has helped save thousands of billions VND for the state budget, prevented and addressed numerous violations, and effectively supported the investigation, inspection, and monitoring efforts of relevant agencies to enhance financial discipline and combat corruption, waste, and misconduct.

SAV has consistently aligned its activities with the National Assembly’s work and the country's socio-economic management; providing reliable information and data for the National Assembly to approve state budget settlements, decide on budget estimates, and allocate annual central budgets, enhancing the effectiveness of the National Assembly’s supervision.

Through audit activities, SAV has identified shortcomings in regulations and policies and made recommendations to improve public finance and asset policies. Additionally, SAV supports local People’s Councils and People’s Committees in managing, directing, monitoring, and deciding on significant local issues.

In its development journey, SAV has continuously expanded its international cooperation. The Office is a member of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI).


Notably, hosting the 14th ASOSAI Assembly in 2018 and holding ASOSAI Chairmanship for the 2018-2021 term has elevated the SAV position in international cooperation.

“With the achievements gained over the past 30 years, SAO has been awarded many prestigious honors by the Party and State, and today, it rightfully receives the First-Class Labor Medal from the Presiden,” affirmed the National Assembly Chair.

On behalf of the Party and State leadership, National Assembly Chair Tran Thanh Man warmly congratulated and acknowledged the efforts and outstanding achievements of SAO. He noted that in the coming period, the international situation may remain complex and unpredictable, and while the country faces opportunities and advantages, it will also encounter new challenges.

In this context, the National Assembly Chair gave several key tasks for SAV as follows:

First, thoroughly have a good grasp of and adhere to the Party Policies, Strategic Orientations and the National Assembly resolutions on socio-economic development, national defense, security, and foreign affairs; management and direction of government policies related to state budget, fiscal and monetary policies; prioritize and focus on key objectives in the SAO’s development strategy by 2030.

Specifically, deeply implement the instructions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Conference on Internal Affairs: The audit sector must “consistently understand, grasp, and execute its functions, tasks, and powers correctly, truly understand and adhere strictly to principles, laws, regulations, and must be very fair, objective, and transparent; effectively use and control the power entrusted by the Party, State, and People,” emphasized the National Assembly Chair.

Second, enhance the legal framework to ensure that SAV operations become increasingly effective and efficient; review and propose timely amendments to the State Audit Law to align with practical activities and harmonize with the current legal system.

Third, increase effectiveness of collaboration between SAV and the National Assembly agencies and relevant organizations; ensure operations are transparent, effective, professional, regular, and modern. Set goals and priorities for audits, provide accurate and timely information to support financial management, public asset supervision, and anti-corruption efforts.

Fourth, focus on training and development to build a competent, professionally skilled, and morally strong workforce; consolidate and strengthen the unity and comprehensive strength of the SAV in the nation wide.

Fifth, proactively promote international integration in the field of public sector auditing; Further solidify SAO’s position and reputation within Viet Nam's state agencies and international audit community.

“Living up to the good traditions of the Office over the past 30 years, the Party, State, and People are confident that with new determination, efforts, and motivation, SAV staff will continue to work together, uphold discipline, and accomplish all assigned tasks, achieving even greater results for a transparent, sustainable national financial system, worthy of its role, position, and prestige both domestically and internationally,” expressed the National Assembly Chair’s expectations.

On this occasion, Politburo Member and National Assembly Chair Tran Thanh Man presented a special gift to the SAV.

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